ニチバン 両面テープ ナイスタック リムカ 15mm NW-R15 きれいにはがせるタイプ 大巻 特徴: きれいにはがせるタイプのナイスタックです。貼り直しができ、はがした後ものり残しがありません。小型ポスター、連絡、伝言、印刷物の仮止めに最適。テープ基材に古紙配合率40%の再生紙を使用したグリーン購入法対象商品です。ホルダー(90%)、巻心(100%)は再生紙を使用しております。 商品仕様: ◆アクリル系 ◆材質:薄葉紙 A characteristic: It is the nice tuck of the type to be able to tear off neatly. Put it and rectification is possible and appear after having torn it off; 残 しがありません. Of the small poster communication message printed matter is most suitable for temporarily fastening it. It is a product targeted for the green purchase method using the regenerated paper of 40% of wastepaper combination rates to tape base material. A holder (90%) the wick (100%) use regenerated paper.
ニチバン 両面テープ ナイスタック リムカ 15mm NW-R15 きれいにはがせるタイプ 大巻
A characteristic:
It is the nice tuck of the type to be able to tear off neatly. Put it and rectification is possible and appear after having torn it off; 残 しがありません. Of the small poster communication message printed matter is most suitable for temporarily fastening it. It is a product targeted for the green purchase method using the regenerated paper of 40% of wastepaper combination rates to tape base material. A holder (90%) the wick (100%) use regenerated paper.
Product specifications:
◆Acrylic system
◆Materials: Silk paper